Major Indian Festivals - Naag Panchmi (festival of snakes)

Major Indian Festivals- Naag Panchami Nag Panchami-festival dedicated to snake worship Hinduism is aptly described as a way of living where respect is bestowed on all kinds of flora and fauna and inanimate objects of nature. Thus the Hindu religion followers find millions of deities in almost all kinds of animals and reptiles. Nag Panchami is such a festival celebrated in the honor of cobras. This festival falls in the month of the Hindu month of Sravan (Normally in July or August). People believe that giving milk to the serpents to drink is a great cause. That is the reason one can see lots of Saperas (the tribal people who keep the snakes) going door to door to beg and thronging outside the temples and Taj Mahal Tour . Though sapera tradition is banned according to the law in India on account of wildlife Act and its provisions. Now it is strictly enforced by the law and by the authorities and thus it is divided to a large extent. A couple of years back the ...